AR-15 Upper Assembly,16″Phosphate Barrel ,15″ Quad Rail
The parts included are below:
AR-15 M4 Upper Receiver
16″ Phosphate Barrel .223 Wylde or 5.56 Nato
15″ Quad Rail Hand Guard
Gas Tube, and low pro gas block
Ejection Port Cover
Charging Handle
Forward Assist
Flash Suppressor with Crush Washer
M-16 Bolt Carrier Group
Anodize Black
2 Reviews
AR-15 Upper Assembly, 16″ Phosphate Barrel, 15″Q
AR-15 Upper Assembly, 16″ Phosphate Barrel, 15″Quad Rail
When it was put together was damaged not too bad to where I couldn't use it but good enough to where I can see it besides that all good